There is no reason to panic. With proper precautions you can protect yourself, your family, your communities and our patients. Here are some tips to stay safe.

  • Wear a mask. My mask protects you and your mask protects me. Keep your mask in place at all times, covering your nose and chin.
  • Practice Social Distancing – keep at least six feet away from everyone in the community.
  • Wash your hands frequently (scrub backs of hands, between fingers and under nails for 20 seconds-sing “Happy Birthday” twice) or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and rub all surfaces of your hands until they are dry.
  • Get vaccinated when it is available to you.

Do the Smart Play

  1. If you feel feverish or like you are coming down with a cold, DO NOT VISIT the hospital. Stay home and consult your primary care physician.
  2. Do not shake hands. Elbow bumps work well as alternative greetings.
  3. Have the kids call, text, FaceTime or Skype with grandparents or other elderly or vulnerable relatives instead of visiting in person.
  4. Use an alcohol-based sanitizer to wipe down surfaces that others may have touched, such as desks, door handles, gym equipment or shopping cart handles.
  5. If you are caring for young children, elderly adults or a vulnerable individual, avoid large gatherings of people.  Enjoy movie night at home, instead of visiting a theater to keep your loved ones safe.
  6. If you or someone you know needs to be seen at a health center or hospital, call first so precautions can be put in place before you arrive.
  7. If you become ill after international or out of state travel, or after being exposed to someone who has traveled to one of these locations and is ill, you should contact your primary care provider.
  8. Be sure to wash fresh produce before eating.

Common sense and excellent hygiene can keep everyone safe.